Imagine, years ago, these charming signs were commonplace in Nepal. No generic dog silhouette here. These signs, hand-painted by a local artist, accurately render the dog in question and come complete with a warning you’d be unwise to ignore. During a trip to Nepal, these “Danger Dog” signs caught the attention of Michelle Page, an American film editor. After seeing these delightful signs slowly disappear over the years in favour of lower cost digital designs, Michelle decided to start a fair-trade initiative to save this dying art form.

Nepalese signboard artists are commissioned to paint a picture of your fearsome hound (or loving lapdog) onto a metal plate, which you can hang on the gate of your home to warn off curious neighbourhood kids and maybe to act as a rudimentary home security system. And if you happen to be more of a cat, rabbit, goat, or chicken person, well, they can paint those too.

Read more about Danger Dog signs here

Text by L. Kimberly Leung


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More on Michelle Page and “Danger Dog” signs here