Among the many wonderful attributes Seattle has to offer, there is one small defect in the seaside citys charm: it rains. A lot. However, an innovative group of three men were inspired by the days of dreary weather, and through this, Rainworks was born.
Peregrine Church is a Seattle street artist who creates a unique type of graffiti. With the help of friends Xack Fischer and Forest Tressider, they set about the streets of Seattle at nighttime and, using Always Dry (an environmentally-friendly water deterrent) and stencils, they create designs and hidden messages that only appear when wet.
Theres always some controversy around street art in regards to legalities and whether or not it is truly art or simply an act of vandalism. However, I dont think anyone would argue that the intentions behind Rainworks are nothing but that of positivity. Similar to when life gives lemons, make lemonade, Rainworks is creating a ray of sunshine on days that are gloomy in beautifully rainy Seattle.
Text by Emilija Grátóna
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