Wes Anderson movies have a certain distinctive feel. Whether animated or live-action, the colour palettes, directorial choices and camera movements set them apart from your average film. And no one can deny that Anderson excels in creating a world in his movies that, while not far removed from ours, obviously exists on a slightly different plane. But what if you could visit these places? Mark Dingo Francisco, a Manilla-based artist, runs with this idea by creating a series of postcards featuring locations from Anderson’s films. Ones you could conceivably pick up at the lobby gift shop, and send to a friend, say, if you found yourself staying at the Grand Budapest Hotel.

Words by L. Kimberly Leung

Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog 40Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog 33Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog 37Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog 36Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog 35Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog 34Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog 33Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog 32Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog 31Mark Dingo Francisco Wes Anderson Postcards Illustrations Lola Who Fashion Music Photography blog50