

Lola Loves… Ibon Mainar GIFs of painter Edward Hopper

Ever feel like gallery paintings are missing some of the pizazz of animated gifs? Probably not, since the two occupy very different spheres in the art world. Refined vs. hokey, timeless vs. of the moment, sombre vs. silly. It's a good thing Ibon Mainar doesn't work within the confines of our mental paradigms. In his hands, the works of Edward…

Lola Loves… Cari Vander Yacht’s Animated Vintage GIFs

These GIFs by Cari Vander Yacht combine yellowed vintage photograph found in thrift stores and cartoon-like graphics that once put together, create nostalgic and humorous animations.  With unexpected twists and turns, these animations tell a mid-century story of American suburban culture, filled with comfort and stability. Words by Hillary Loucks Check out Cari Vander Yacht's portfolio…

Lola Loves… Anthony Samaniego’s Dreamscapes

Twilight. Before it had the misfortune of sharing a name with a certain pop culture phenomenon, it was just a term for a time of day. One dictionary defines it as "the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun's rays from the atmosphere." Anthony Samaniego incorporates that pinkish glow to full effect in his nature photo compositions of Los Angeles. Some feature shifting clouds, ominously making their way over an otherwise static landscape.

Lola Loves… Jean-François Painchaud’s Sexy GIFs

Do you like your rainbows served up saccharine free, with a little bit of kick? Jean-François Painchaud's gifs might be just what you're looking for. The colour palette might remind you of Lisa Frank, but that's where the similarities end. These pictures are definitely for a mature audience (the gifs here are toned down). The movement of colours and shifting…